Ye Olde crusty cruller
resplendent resuscitator of burnt soda bread recipes. 3/22... question: Is it all about the yeast? I'd like to know. Dummy brays his hee-haw response: What!!! Cumulous nimbuses above troubled waters hover paler than ten drunk's tongues After all we've been through, am I still a Googanoid to you? Peejun watches widgeons circle the block like feathered kitchen clocks turning slow She waits for his shadow to darken the yard, turn the grass a foul ghostly green Leave quicker than you came. The Nafgoofer knows, after sniffing her bones Sissafris chases sails across a Sound. Boy chases phantoms down Love-Me-Do Avenue Could it mean what I think, or not? Run for your life!!! In any case... I love you, Phyllis. Phyllis, I do.